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Thrilling plots and chilling realities: Writing global thrillers

Join thriller writer Mike Harrison as he discusses the art of creative writing and weaving real-world issues into his fiction.

  • 25th January 2024 - 25th January 2024
  • 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm

The gripping plots and engaging characters in Mike Harrison’s novels are set against a backdrop of pressing global issues. In the pages of his thrillers, he takes on the perilous state of US-China relations and the ongoing opioid crisis; the ethics of Cryogenics and the growing sense of alienation between the elites and the ruled; and the very real threat posed by the rise of AI.

Join Mike as he reveals the art of weaving real-world complexities into fiction and shares his insights on the “dos” and “don’ts” of crafting thrilling international narratives.

About the speaker

Mike Harrison is a Jesus College, Cambridge law graduate who spent thirty years at the heart of global financial markets – or, as he puts it: “That toxic nexus where power and money warp the best of intentions and fan the worst of them”. He is the author of Operation Pale Tiger, which is being developed into a feature film, and The Lazarus Trade. His third book, In Time’s Fierce Shadow, is forthcoming.

Accessibility Facilities

  • Designated wheelchair public toilet
  • Induction loops
  • Wheel chair accessible

Did you know?

Cambridge is the cycling capital of the UK, with around 55% of residents making a journey by bike at least once per week.